University of Virginia
1Name of the institution
 University of Virginia
2City, State where institution is located
 Charlottesville, Virginia
 United States of America
4Institution's webpage (URL)
5Department Web Page / URL (If Any)
6Course 1 (Name of the Course)
 HIND 1010, 1020 - (4) Elementary Hindi-Urdu
7Course 1 - Short Description or URL
 Introductory training in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing Hindi and Urdu.
8Course 2 (Name of the Course)
 HIND 2010/2020 - Intermediate Hindi
9Course 2 - Short Description or URL
 Introduction to various types of written and spoken Hindi; vocabulary building, idioms and problems of syntax; and conversation in Hindi.
10Course 3 (Name of the Course)
 HIND 3010/3020 - Advanced Hindi Readings
11Course 3 - Short Description or URL
 Readings are drawn from areas of particular interest to the students involved, and include readings from various disciplines.
12Course 4 (Name of the Course)
 HIND 4993/8993 - Independent Study in Hindi
13Course 4 - Short Description or URL
 Independent study in Hindi.
22Professor 1 - Name
23Professor 1 - Title / URL
24Professor 2 - Name
25Professor 2 - Title / URL
26Professor 3 - Name
27Professor 3 - Title / URL
28Professor 4 - Name
29Professor 4 - Title / URL
31We would like to acknowledge your contribution in providing this infornmation. Please enter your name and title as you would like to appear. You can leave this blank if you wish.
  Dr. Manpreet Kaur
33Email Address
34Your Name
 Dr. Manpreet Kaur

HindiSePyarHai project has been launched to accomplish certain tasks which remain to be completed in the Hindi language.
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